Saturday, October 07, 2006


無產階級文化大革命——The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution


until 1968, the year of the cataclysmic July 27 Red Guard battles in Beijing, when screaming fanatics from the Geology Institute's "Earth Faction" and the Aeronautical University's "Heaven Faction" (all joined by cofactionalists from Tsinghua University) butchered and maimed each other in fighting that lasted the entire day. The "7-27 Incident" was the breaking point for Mao Zedong who finally ordered the PLA to clean out the city of students and ship them all off to the countryside to cool off-forever, as far as he was concerned.

什麽是“Earth Faction”,什麽是“Heaven Faction”,搞得好似紐約黑幫一樣。當時的情形,什麽“天派”、“地派”,可以參考這裡的敍述。不過就過程來講,60年代末和80年代末的學生水準好像沒有根本區別,也就是大環境換了換,主義不太一樣,而口號也跟著變了。



BTW,現在有一位大員,就是在那之前離開“Earth Faction”那個學校的。你不必動腦筋就可以想到。

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